lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

One year ago: Vienna

Creo que Viena representa la perfección en términos urbanos, pero yo prefiero el caos ;). Me gustó mucho Hundertwasser Haus (me recordó el trabajo de Gaudí en Barcelona) y el Prater.

I think that Vienna represent perfection in urban terms, but I prefer chaos. ;). I really liked Hundertwasser Haus (reminded me Gaudi's work in Barcelona) and the Prater. PS: (Autumn finally has arrived (20°C). We are enjoying a delicious fresh air!).

9 comentarios:

Brinja dijo...

So nice to see pictures with lots and lots og sun:-)
Have a nice day...

Irene dijo...

thank you so much! i like your pictures, too!

Schanett dijo...

you're travelling a lot!
I didn't for half a year but get more and more the idea of it right now... would like going to helsinki.

outi dijo...

i agree with a little chaos;) too stuctured and organized city is a bit cold..
Schanett and you should come to helsinki too!

lola dijo...

thanks for your comment.. barbapapa forever! autumn at 20 degrees! i wish. it looks so bright and colorful where you are - very nice.

Rynke dijo...

I have never been there, but it looks really really nice! Inspiring...have to go there sometime!

Kristina dijo...

beautiful photos from vienna!

epe dijo...

Hi Brinja, thank you for your comment!
Irene, Lola and Kristina: thank you for visiting my blog! :)
Schanett: last year we travelled 3 months around Europe. It was an amazing experience, and.. I have a lot of pictures.
Outi: Helsinki has this "little chaos"?
Rynke: Yes, you have to visit Vienna! and Buenos Aires too!!!

Melanie dijo...

i like the bottom two, they work really well together!