domingo, 26 de julio de 2009

The Doors

This weekend was cold and sunny, but anyway i went out with my camera. These are some of my neighborhood doors. Hope you had a great weekend too!

13 comentarios:

Ana Cristina Abreu dijo...

my favorite is the blue one on the second shot!!

great doors!!!

Vir dijo...

Tu barrio parece un grafitti continuo eh? A mí también me gusta mucho fotografiar puertas.

Unknown dijo...

Falta sentir mucho...a veces si, otras veces, es mejor no sentir tanto.
Un barrio activo.

Bonnie dijo...

great doors !! wow !!

Esti dijo...

las fotografías de puertas siempre son interesantes y misteriosas, ¿verdad?

jane dijo...

the second one has to be my favorite! have a great week dear epe!

parisa mahmoudi dijo...

The second shot is great!I like that!

kinako dijo...

i love them all, but i especially love the 3rd and 4th. awesome!

cabin + cub dijo...

Great photos... they are all so unique and colorful! What a great series! ;)

Palmer and Co dijo...

Oh, these might be my favorite so far!! I have a 'thing' for doors... any door!

Anónimo dijo...

la frase de la quinta foto parece que le hablara a la puerta que se ve tan triste no?... muy buena la cuarta!

Kasia dijo...

your photos are stunning!

Cate dijo...

looooooooooooove the first one! i have a complete love affair with graffiti. it is so beautiful to me. don't tell my kids, though-i'm sure they'd be happy to do their own special tagging on our walls here.