domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Iguazú: Random

These are the last ones from my trip./ ps (the first picture is a paintball bullet impact) :)

7 comentarios:

la lune dans le ciel dijo...

nice week !

cabin + cub dijo...

wow.. is that you zip-lining up high.. it looks so fun.
also i am curious what that mysterious animal is?!

et lille oejeblik - a little moment dijo...


Brit dijo...

The 5th picture is gorgeous! The light that comes through the trees is just perfect!

nathalie et cetera dijo...

what is this animal? It looks like our raccoon but withe a longer nose.

Janis dijo...

So interesting, intriguing! A great collection of memeories :)

Ana Cristina Abreu dijo...

i love the animals made of wood!!!